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"Dead Avatar" Barrena)
"It isn't possible to change the
history changing the pictures of a wall" - Jawaharlal Nehru.
"HAHAHAHAHA" - Anonymous mage.
Internal File NWO659783IV
Subject: The Historians
Access granted to classes: A,B,D.
Related Files: SOE3657GU,NWO298792OP,NWO30098AG,NWO732168PS,NWO38690DW,
Start of file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Objetives: The Historians are a subgroup of New World Order who are dedicated to change the history to benefit us and our objetives.
General Information: The modifications to the history they design are called Changes. A Change is a very complex process, because is necessary to hand a lot of information and the consecuences of a little change can be vast and uncontrollable. This huge information handling only was really useful after the developement of computers.Before that, all the calculations had to be done by the human computers of the Sons of Ether (see file SOE3657GU), slower than real computers. Anyway, a Change is a slow process, that usually takes months of hard work.
Structure of a Change:
1. The Choice. Three members of the Historians meet with representatives of the five Conventions to decide what Changes are needed. Of course, each Convention tries to get its proposals accepted by the Historians, but they only choose the Change most beneficial to all the Conventions, usually what is proposed by New World Order. 1.1. Motives of a Change. 1.1.1 Elimination of old paradigms. This is the main objetive of the Historians,and they have been very succesful.Any rest of the old paradigms(i.e. the Celestial Chorus' paradigm in the western world. see file NWO298792OP) must be deleted,an any evidence of magick must be disguised as superstition and legend. This tactic, to disgise real history as legend, has bring us our most succesful Changes (one of the most incredible Changes, because of its difficulty and the success we got was the concealament of everything related to the history of the grail. see file NWO30098AG) 1.1.2 Substitution of old paradigms for the Convention's paradigm. One of the most dangerous threats to the Conventions is the possible spread of a belief in the existence of other paradigms, like the proposed by the Traditions. The mission of the Historians is to make sure nobody has the opportunity of "accidentally" discovering that our reality is not the only possibility (We know our paradigm is the best, but this kind of knowledge could be dangerous to an untrained mind). Another reason for this substitution is the fact (this theme was studied long ago by us (see file NWO732168PS)) that people accept any knowledge more easily as older the knowledge is.
2. Analysis. Two things are analized by The Historians: 2.1. What does need to be modified. The Rote Locate Physical Rests (see file NWO38690DW)is used in an object related to the historical fact that is going to be Changed. 2.2. Possible consecuences. If too many things need to be modified (usually because the Change proposed is more important in the flow of the history than it seemed) or the consecuences too uncontrollable (the Change has too many ramifications) then the Change is rejected and other Choice is proposed. This is the opposite of what is done by the Forecasters, the group of Technomancers dedicated to predict the future and who seek these points with many ramifications (or bifurcation points, as the Forecasters call them) and try to use and modify them.If this kind of modifications were used by the Historians in their work, the Paradox produced could destroy the Historians and possibly many years of work of the whole Technocracy. This reasoning has drove the Historians to the "rule of minimum Change". Following this rule, they try to adjust the history to achieve what they want making the less possible modifications to the history. (i.e. When skeletons of giant reptiles were discovered, the old legends about dragons were Changed for modern theories about dinosaurs. Unfortunately, we were unable to erradicate the stories about dragons,and this is a serious threat to our objetives.The current wayy of work is to make the dinosaurs very popular among the Masses to get a total oblivion of dragons in year 2040.Jurasic Park (with the cooperation of Progenitors and The Syndicate)was a very useful tool to achieve this goal.Tests have been made to subjects aged 8-12, and have demostrated that most subjects don't remember dragons flew and breathed fire, but are able to point the differences between many types of dinosaurs.)
3. Execution. Once the Change has been accepted, the third step begins. 3.1. Destruction of proofs. The first step is to destroy any physical rest of the historical fact and delete(or modify) any written record of its. 3.1.1. If the rest has not been discovered (i.e. any archeological rest below the earth) then is directly destroyed using the rote Reality Erasure (see file NWO38691DW). 3.1.2. If the object if known by the Masses ,proofs are build to show what is "really" the object (i.e. see file NWO32226HI: The holy bed-sheet.) A very good tactic is the use of radioactive tests to know the "real" age of an object,like the C-14 test to use in organic objets( see file ITX98373EH). The modifications to written texts are not as radical, because it is not necessary. Each year (or decade) the history books are revised and a new edition is written, and each new edition is subtly changed to suit our needs.The effect is so subtle that only if two editions with more than 20-25 years of difference between them are compared the modifications could be seen, and even if they are perceived, are usually imputed to the "new discoveries"(our other Changes). 3.1.3. Sometimes, this kind of demostrations have already been done by scientists.In this cases the tactic is to denounce this rests as falsifications, discrediting any scientist who had proved the authenticity of the rest. If the scientist persists in his theories, he must be eliminated (i.e. the discoveries in the Tutankhamon's tomb (see file SYN439803GD) produced the elimination of Lord Carnavon, some members of his family and many other people who had discovered the real treasure.Our agent in the field, Howard Carter, did a great work. Unfortunately, the Traditions used these deaths to spread the idea of a curse, that was easily accepted by the gullible part of the Masses.This idea has damaged us in our efforts to make the Masses forgot the old superstitions and it has made us to be more careful in other eliminations).
3.2. This step (usually mixed with the first) consist in creating new proofs about the historical fact you want to "prove", followed by the "discovering" of these proofs, usually with a big display of propaganda (helped by The Syndicate) to make the new history known by the greater part posible of the Masses.
Personnel: Historians:The typical group of historians is composed by 6 members. 2 Analists. Working closely with some members of the Forecasters, they analize the ramifications of a Change and decide if the Change is possible. 2 Field Agents.They locate and destroy(or modify) the physical rests of history and make the necessary "deals" with archaeologists and other scientists about the rests already discovered. 2 Publicists. They work with the Syndicate to make our version of the history widely kwown among the Masses. They use any mean in their hands to spread their ideas, from commemorative festivities (of events that really didn't exist or events that existed in a different way as are remembered (see file NWO93748HI: Woodstock) to books or movies. 10 Men in Black The MIB are used when is needed a direct action against a target. This actions can be as different as to intimidate a rebel scientist or to eliminate a dangerous Tradition mage. The MIB are also used to protect the Historians' construct together with security guards extracted from the Masses.
Consecuences: Do the Historians change really the history ? The right answer is: Sometimes. As it is explained before, the Historians change the history changing what is known by the Masses, who change the history (remember belief=reality) themselves.But there is a problem: Reality doesn't like to be changed, and if there are a significant number of Masses (this number is unknown by the Historians) that know the real history, even if they are greatly outnumbered by the Masses who know the modified version , then the history will not change. [ Storytellers note: If Time 2 is used to see the changed event, it will be seen the original version, or more usually, a version with the original and the Technocracy-altered history mixed or superimposed, as with Divided Sight (corresp. 3) ]. Only if no sleeper knows about the real history,and all believe in the modified version, the history really changes. [ST note: The use of Time 2 will show the new history].
Another problem found by the Historians is that the parts of history related to awakened beings and powerful magick are almost imposible of delete or change, so the tactic used is to disguise history as legend (see above).
Paradox: The Historians are (with the posible exception of some members of Iteration X ) the Technomancer subgroup more affected by paradox forces, not because of the vulgarity of their effects (most of them are consistent with the paradigm) but for the important modifications of the history they implement.
The forces of paradox usually strike in one (or both) of this ways: 1. Changes in personal history. Some members of the Historians have noticed important modifications on his personal lives, such as a different house . In extreme cases, even the people they know are not the same. Evidence of these changes has not been found, but careful interrogation of the subjets suffering these effects make us to think that Paradox changes the personal history of the Historians, just like they change the history of the world.
All these changes make them psicologically unbalanced,so they are strongly watched over by all the Technocracy, especially by NWO (another reason for this vigilance is the importance of their work).
2. Paradox Realms. In some extreme cases a Historian has been trapped in an alternative reality (a typical case of paradox realm) where the Change that the Historian was working on had been twisted in a strange form. The classic example is the reality experimented by a Historian who was working in the discovering of America,who was trapped in a paradox realm where Europe was discovered by american natives before the middle age and the dominant paradigm was the imposed by the Dreamspeakers. (This is a typical show of "poetic justice" as is usual in the paradox reactions. Some of our best brains (natural and artificial) are trying to modify this demeanor to make paradox a more impersonal force (see file TECH382) ).
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File NWO38690DW Subject:Locate Physical Rests (Rote) Acces granted to classes: A,B,D,HI Related Files: NWO659783IV
Start of File. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use: This Rote is used by the Historians (see file NWO659783IV). Knowledges needed: Correspondence 2,Mind 3,Matter 1,Time 2. Known effects:This Rote analize the impact of an object in the flow of history (Mind, Matter, Time) and locate other objects related to it (Correspondence,Matter). To make effective this goals, the object is analized, discovering its origin and most of its particular history, then, complex statistical works are made to see what people remember about the historical fact related to the object. Then, a complete investigation work is done, searching in museums, private colections, doing archeological works, etc, to find the objects related to the target of the Rote. The results of the investigation are exponential, because as other objects are found, the Rote is cast upon them and with each casting more and more objects are found, so all the investigation around a historical fact is done in relatively a short amount of time. _____________________________________________________________________________ End of File.
File NWO38691DW Subject:Reality Erasure (Rote) Acces granted to classes: A,B,D,HI Related Files: NWO659783IV
Start of File. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use: This Rote is used by the Historians (see file NWO659783IV). Knowledges needed: Prime 4,Correspondence 2(4). Known effects: The rote extracts all the raw Quintessence of an object's pattern.The object thus disappears from reality. Similarities has been discovered between this rote and the effect known to members of the Celestial Chorus as Flames of Purification.
Correspondence is required only if this rote is not casted to an object near the mage. Correspondence 2 to cast the rote (line of sight). Correspondence 4 if the use of Qintessence is needed (as usually does if working from a distance.Line of sight is hard). ____________________________________________________________________________ End of File.
File SOE3657GU Subject:Human Computers (Rote) Acces granted to classes: A,B,G,J5 Related Files:
Start of File. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use: This Rote was used by the technocracy before the construction of modern computers.It was developed by the Sons of Ether before leaving the Technocracy. Knowledges needed: Time 3,Mind 4,Life 4,Forces 2. Known effects: This rote transforms a human being in a powerful computer allowing to connect the subject of the rote to a printer or other output machines and accelerating his mind processes. The continued use of the rote upon a subject kills him (death caused by brain damage). This rote is more useful if casted on a Awakened subject, whose mind is more flexible.The usual tactic is to use the Rote in a captured member of the Traditions (to use a Marauder or Nephandi is very unpredictable). ____________________________________________________________________________ End of File.
File NWO30098AG Subject:The Grail Acces granted to classes: A,B,HI. Related Files: NWO659783IV, SYN987870.
Start of File. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appearance: Unknown. Described as a chalice, a cauldron, or another completely different thing, deppending on the source. Powers: Unknown, but rumors say that is able of awakening people who drink its contents. The Grial (and everything related to it) was a main target of the Historians (see file NWO659783IV) during some time. Its history, and all its mystical connotations had to be destroyed. The elimination of all the facts related to the Grail was impossible, but the causes of this are yet unkwnon.The only possible alternative was to transform the history in legend.When the Change was analized, some apparent incongruences were detected, what made the Historians to think that the history of the grail was already changed by the Celestial Chorus, to make a powerful symbol as the Grail closer to their believes. Anyway, the Grail has remained in the imagination of the masses during too much time, and this have to be changed. A new project is being developed by the Syndicate: a "famous director" is working in a film that will relate the Grail to alien beings, in an attempt to destroy all the mysticism in its history (see file SYN987870).
____________________________________________________________________________ End of File.
You as you probably have noticed,(if you haven't, please go back to school inmediately ), english is not my language. If my failures create any doubt, please feel free to mail me asking for it. Anyway, comments are welcome. Hope you like it.
David "Dead Avatar"Barrena ! "En el limite del bien y del mal" a920060@zipi.fi.upm.es ! -La Frontera ______________________________________________________________________________